Sunday, June 3, 2007

The Way We Were

I'm not one to back down from a challenge. Certainly not a challenge I've issued myself. As promised, this is me, as a debutante.

This is who I was....

and, to be perfectly honest, probably who I'll always be. (Sidenote: my parents have a print of that headshot that's bigger than my real-life head, and I'm pretty sure one of you can have it when they die, or get sick of me.) Please, dreadlocked hippie or flannel-clad STP fan, don't leave my high school photos sitting here all by themselves.


elsa bags said...

soooo good!

s said...

wow....WOW!!! i love it. and not only do i love it, but i want to go search through my old high school photos. michelle, i think your picture should have the caption "Bring It On" above it.

carolinesbakeshop said...

will you marry me?

Frenchy Renee said...

HOLY snap !!!

i want to go back in time... do I need a coin from that era??? And possibly a DI run.

emily said...

oh man. michelle, YES.