Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Life in the "Isaksoon" home...

is a non-stop party. It's a lot like that movie 24 Hour Party People, if the members of Joy Division were girls. And into balloons and streamers instead of cocaine and suicide.

June's been my month to get out of town, and after having avoided my own bed for almost 18 days I came home last night to find it COVERED in the big yellow balloons Danny had left for Elin upon her return from Nauvoo over the weekend. I loved them so much I slept with them all piled on top of me. It's good to be home for a while and we hope you guys haven't forgotten all about us.


Betsy said...

Hooray for a new post! You girls really need to crack the whip and get posting. I need constant proof of SLC coolness to persuade certain people to want to move there someday. :)

marshall p said...

waiting for more posts...

waiting. waiting. waiting.

Amoureux de SLC de club d'amusement said...

oh marsha marsha marsha

you're a slcgirl too you know